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Traditional herbal remedies workshops

traditional herbal remedies workshop | Kent | south east | London

Held in Westwell, Kent, my traditional herbal remedies workshop runs from 10am until 4pm and is aimed at anyone who’d like to gain an understanding of the wild plants found in woodlands, meadows and hedgerows that have been used as a traditional herbal remedy, both past and present.  I’ve designed the day so that it’s suitable for a complete novice up to the more experienced.

I’ll show you how to identify commonly found native herbs, when and how to harvest them, how to dry and store them and how to make simple remedies from them. So if you have an interest in plants in general, or herbal remedies in particular, join me on this workshop.

My traditional herbal remedies workshop takes on 2 main components:

  • Firstly the identification and collection of native plants that have herbal uses, and then
  • The preparation of some herbal remedies.

From the meeting point I’ll take you for a gentle walk around  hedgerows, meadows and woodlands and show you the many trees and plants that have herbal uses.  I’ll pay special attention to positive identification and uses as well discussing classification, composition and indications.

We’ll collect some of these plants and, after a wild foods lunch, discuss how to store them and how to make various types of remedy such as:

  • Infused oils,
  • Tinctures,
  • Decoctions,
  • Infusions,
  • Ointments etc.

We’ll prepare and try out a selection of herbal infusions and then make some herbal remedies; this is likely to include a number of crèmes and ointments.

If you wish to take any of the remedies home with you, there’ll be a small fee to cover my costs.

You can book onto these workshops via Jack Raven Bushcraft.